NextActionGuide is a free open source addon and offers
you the possibility to create your own leveling routes.
Our documentation shows you how.
Custom Guide Installation Manual
Learn easily how to prepare your own guides and access them in-game with the help of this video.
Commands & Syntax
Text Tutor
Creates a note in the step window but not the guide/map
Objective text box
Default text, can be on its own line or after a syntax
<< Class (<< Race)
Shows text to one class or race
<< Class/Class/Class
Shows text to multiple class/races
<< !Class
Shows text to everyone but that class or race
<< !Class !Class
Shows text to everyone but those classes/races
<< tbc << wotlk
Skips step if server is not on a tbc or wotlk patch
How to combine:
Spaces are an "AND" operator, "/" is an "OR" operator, "!" is a "NOT" operator. Priority system is "!" > "Space" > "/"
.xp Expert
.xp 10
Makes you grind to level 10
.xp 10+200
Grind to level 10 and 200 exp
.xp 10-300
Grind to til you are 300 exp from level 10
.xp 10.5
Grind til 50% into level 10
.xp 10.5,1
Skip step if you are above 50% of 10
.xp <10,1
Completes step if below level 10
.maxlevel X
Skips step if you're above level X
#level n
Step will only show if player is greater or equal to n. Only use on stickies! Use .maxlevel otherwise
Quest Coach
Auto completes the step when you have n items of itemId, or if you have accepted questId (questId is optional, set skipIfTurnedIn to 1 if you want the task to complete if the quest is turned in already)
Skips step if quest id isn't in quest log, can also add a "-" before a quest id, ie ".turnin -1234 >>" applies .isOnQuest to that quest, good for steps w/ multiple quests
Adds unitscan of enemy
.reputation factionID,standing,value -- completes when you have required rep
.daily id1,id2,id3,id4
Accepts daily quests, completes when u accept atleast 1
.dailyturnin id1,id2,id3,id4
Turnsin daily quests, completes when u turnin atleast 1
Misc Mentor
.link url
Clickable hyperlink in step
Tells the player to go die. Completes on spirit rez
.skill Name,n,skipStep
Completes if skill is = or greater than n
.zoneskip zoneNameorID,1
Skips the step if player is in the given zoneID. Adding a 1 reverses the logic, shows the step only to people in that zoneID.
.timer timeInSeconds,Timertext
Latches to .accept or .turnin directly above and shows a timer bar.
.tame npcID
Instructs hunters to tame the specified animal id
.goto Guru - All steps should have a .goto of some sort!
.goto [ZONE],xx.xx,yy.yy
Default Goto, shows on map and has quest arrow.
.goto [ZONE],xx.xx,yy.yy,z
Objective Goto, arrow and map show. Objective completes when player is within z yards
.goto [ZONE],xx.xx,yy.yy,z,0
Hidden Objective, same as above but no objective to complete. Used for changing waypoint
.goto [ZONE],xx.xx,yy.yy,0
Map Waypoint goto, No arrow but shows on map
.goto [ZONE],xx.xx,yy.yy,-1
Closest Point goto, points to nearest coordinate on that step. Req multiple coordinates.
.zone zoneName
Checkbox that completes when you enter zone
.zoneskip ZoneNameorID
Skips step if you're in the given zone
Goto arrow that disappears if you can fly (mostly for Outlands / Northrend)
.line zone,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3..
Draw lines on the map connecting the coordinates, using negative values for both x/y coordinates will draw a dash line
.loop minDist,zone,x1,y2,x2,y2,x3,y3...
Draws a loop where minDist is the distance in yards where waypoint is marked as visited
Inventory Instructor
.buy id,n
Purchases item with id from vendor
.use id
Creates clickable item window
.bankwithdraw id1,id2
Withdraws items from bank
.bankdeposit id1,id2
Deposits items into bank
.money <0.01
Skips step if you have less than 1 silver
.money >0.01
Skips step if you have more than 1 silver
.destroy id
Completes obj if you destroy item
Skips step if player has a bronze tube or has completed duskwood BT quest
.itemcount id,n
Skips step if user doesn't have n or greater of item id
NPC Conversation Counselor
Obj completes when you talk to a class trainer
.train spellID
Obj to train specific spell
.fly / .fp
Use flightmaster "".fly Menethil Harbor" / Get flightpath
.stable id
Obj completes when you talk to a stable master, id optional
Skips dialogue with npcs
.home / .hs
Set hearthstone / Cast hearthstone
.vehicle id
Obj completes when vehicle ui shows up
.emote EmoteToken,NPCID
Emotes at npc - see comment for emote ids
Header Hero - All steps must eventually autocomplete~!
Step won't disappear until completed
#completewith next
Step completes once next step is finished - good for ending stickys
#label MyLabel
Labels the step as MyLabel
#completewith MyLabel
Step completes once MyLabel is complete - good for ending stickys
#requires MyLabel
Step will only show up if MyLabel is complete
TBC Headers
Skips step if rep with scryers is below friendly
Skips step if rep with aldor is below friendly
Vanilla Headers
Step only shows if server is phase1-4
Step only shows if server is phase5+
Only shows step on era servers
Only shows step on SoM servers
Hardcore Headers
Only shows step if hardcore is disabled
Only shows step if hardcore is enabled
Is the fastest World of Warcraft Classic leveling guide, created by the best speedrunners of the community. The guides are tailored specifically to every class and can be used within a free, interactive and modern in-game addon.